Friday, November 05, 2004

What's all this timidity about?!!!!

I don't know if l am angry at people because of their thought processes or just plain angry at the educational system. Yesterday and indeed lately, l have been talking to friends about jobs. My latest discussion was with a friend of mine who l consider learned. She has good papers that would get her a good PR job. Right now though she is adding an undergraduate degree to her qualifications. I like it that she is very focussed about school. Now am helping her get another job because she has learned that she cannot pay her school fees with her current salary.

The conversation went like one of my mini motivational speeches. She calls and tells me to Get her a job. I tell her,"You know l think l will become a job bureau because l have all these jobs either forwarded or offered to me that l do not want." Then l tell her of some jobs that l have in  some of the lists and she says,"you know you have to have papers to get there." Okay FULL STOP!!! This is where l agree but mostly disagree with a large number of people.

You know its good to have great papers. But what do these papers do for you if you don't have daring courage to walk in to an office and say that you can do this or that job? The Kenyan economy, and indeed most in third world countries,do not allow for one to be timid.

Timidity just gets in the way of great opportunities. I watch my friends who have papers from here to the heavens yet they cow back when they think they have to go out and fight it out. Its abit discouraging when you think about it. So question for you:why do you have the papers if you can't go out and grab whatever it is you think your papers can help you get? What is this timidity all about?

Talking to a another friend of mine the other day was actually an eye opener on this very issue.He is a college lecturer, plus he has all these neat qualifications.The scenario:I float an idea about him doing some project with some organization. He then turns to me and says why don't you introduce me? I am thinking, Hey!! this director will not eat you up just tell him what it is you want and you will get what you want. I was amazed.Here was a guy l thought and still think as one of the most brilliant human beings l have ever met. Yet, just breaking through this timid wall is so difficult. My wonder has been Why the fear? Why the timidity?  What is this monster that seems to eat at us?

These papers sometimes give us a sense of false security. One thinks because they have papers that the world will smile and indeed think you deserve a job. You seriously have something else coming. A comment l read and l paraphrase...don't think that because you are a vegetarian and that you don't eat meat, that the lion will have mercy on you when he comes hunting. If you want to see where this quote works well come to Kenya. Its the best to be on earth but it also has its problem. Doesn't every where else?!!!!!

But at the end of the day, l hope we (as third world inhabitants) can all learn how to be strong enough to face challenges, outgoing enough to meet up with anyone on this planet and sell an idea to them. Ask God for the courage to do these things. A friend of mine once gave me advice when l was in a state of fear of meeting an influential director. He said,"Hey just go in and ask. The worst thing that he can do is say NO." And that is what l will tell you today. All they can say is NO. So just ask and commit the rest to God.Remember this quote from John Mason's book The Impossible is Possible.....In times of adversity, you have don't have an obstacle; you have a choice.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Telling it like it is.

Painfully, l am beginning to realize that the people who preach about accomplishing or achieving your dreams forget to tell us how tough it will be getting there. It is work and work that seems never to end. You wake up in the morning and all you want to do is sit and not think how much you have to do. It is chaotic; and perspiration, it seems is at its highest. Dreams are cozy only on two ends: when you first conceive them and when you are living them. But there is no telling what is in between. It is a long haul filled with sweat and blood, and marred by dust. The period that is not talked about is the one that is the doing part. I believe you know that. Have you noticed how most successful people just tell you how they got to where they are and conveniently skip the doing part? Either it is brushed aside or is lightly mentioned. I have been thinking... why donÂ’t they tell the whole lot of us the part that is challenging and tough? The part where you will wake up in the morning in a bad mood and a spirit of not wanting to work today? Been thinking about it for sometime now and l guess l have a reply to my bothering question.

You know, if anyone insisted on how hard something would be, you wouldn’t take that direction. Now would you? I know Most of us wouldn’t,me included. The reality of living your dream is that work is going to be the 99% of it.The dreaming only 1%. Of course, you will pray and have faith. Thank you very much. I agree. But the word work is mentioned in the Bible 564 times. It tells you how important this activity is. I am beginning to learn that, to get to where you want, you have to be willing to get your hands dirty and your body sweating. Nothing will come knocking at your door saying, “Hey l thought you needed to have a An S-Class Mercedes or l thought you should have the big house.”

Yet, most of the time we keep hearing you can make it without the work part of it emphasized. ThereÂ’s an affiliate program manager l like. She says, you know you can make it like me, but you will have to get down to working. The program, she says, works perfectly after you have done your setting-up homework. But before then, you would have to work seriously on the stuff that will help your site work. Work, my friend, is your friend. If we donÂ’t make work our ally, then getting to where you want will be all in your Medulla oblangata.

l am now developing a new way to ease my shock of having to get to my dreams. Every time anyone l deem successful encourages me to reach for my goals because l will make it, l turn around and ask them to tell me of the work. Yes, l want to hear about the long working nights, the erratic eating patterns and the nightmares of imagining their dreams not getting accomplished. This, l have found, keeps me sane and humble. It also helps me respect those that have accomplished so much and are revered by mortals like me.

I like a sentence that John Mason starts with in one of his chapters in his book, The impossible is possible. He says, “You can’t fulfill your destiny on a takes work.” How about that for a thought.

Telling it like it is.

Painfully, l am beginning to realize that the people who preach about accomplishing or achieving your dreams forget to tell us how tough it will be getting there. It is work and work that seems never to end. You wake up in the morning and all you want to do is sit and not think how much you have to do. It is chaotic; and perspiration, it seems is at its highest. Dreams are cozy only on two ends: when you first conceive them and when you are living them. But there is no telling what is in between that. It is a long haul filled with sweat and blood and marred by dust. The period that is not talked about is the one that is the doing part. I believe you know that. Have you noticed how most successful people just tell you how they got to where they are and conveniently they skip the doing part? Either it is brushed aside or is lightly mentioned. I have been thinking why don't they tell the whole lot of us that it is challenging and tough? That you will wake up in the morning in a bad mood and a spirit of not wanting to work today? Been thinking about it for sometime now and l guess l have a reply to my bothering question.

You know, if anyone insisted on how hard something would be you wouldn't take that direction. Now would you? I know Most of us wouldn't me included. The reality of living your dream is that work is going to be the 99% of it. Of course, you will pray and have faith. Thank you very much. I agree. But the word work is mentioned in the Bible 564 times. It tells you how important this activity is. I am beginning to learn to get to where you want, you have to be willing to get your hands dirty and your body sweating. Nothing will come knocking at your door saying, "Hey l thought you needed to have a An S-Class Mercedes or l thought you should have the big house."

Yet most of the time we keep hearing you can make it without the work part of it. There's an affiliate program manager l like. She says, you know you can make it like me, but you will have to get down to working. The program she says works perfectly after you have done your setting up homework. But before then you would have to work seriously on the stuff that will help your site work. Work, my friend, is your friend. If we don't make work our ally then getting to where you want will be all in your Medulla oblangata. So, l am developing a new way to ease my shock of having to get to my dreams. Every time anyone l deem successful encourages me to reach to my goals because l will make it, l turn around and ask them to tell me of the work. Ye, the long working nights, the erratic eating patterns and the nightmares of imagining their dreams not getting accomplished. This l have found keeps me sane and humble. It also helps me respect those that have accomplished so much and are revered by mortals like me.

I like a sentence that John Mason starts with in one of his chapters in his book, The impossible is possible. He says, "You can't fulfill your destiny on a takes work." How about that for a thought.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

This could break or make you!! Your CHOICE.

Mental Conditioning:
that is what l am talking about.
Last night l could not sleep just thinking about this issue. It has been on my  mind. For a very long time l didn't understand the motivational stuff. I thought it was just a big way to make money and that enough human beings had already made and were making money from this subject. One topic which l thought used to give people false hope. That is until l went through hell and high waters and then the story of my life changed. I started to read motivational books. I bought each one of them that l knew the authors. I researched about the authors on the net while l tried to find others that l didn't know. Boy hasn't my world changed.

Flashback: A few years ago l received a motivational book by Lewis Timberlake- Born to Win. I got the book because l was the best actress in Nairobi during a Christian drama festival. Up till then, l was a negative human being. I thought life was just one rat race of negatives and no one should try telling me otherwise. Coming from a single parent family that had been ravaged by lack, is one major reason that compounded the negativity. So here was a book that was shinning light on people who had come from worse circumstances and still made it big time. I mean big time. Talk of Wilma Rudolf and a host of others that now escape my mind. This for me was eye opening.

Fast Forward: The stories and admonition that Lewis Timberlake had shared from his book seemed forgotten. This was until l went through real hell and l came back scattering, hurriedly looking for something to clutch, to avoid drowning in a sea of  self pity. So l started to read. I read the One minute Millionaire and it blew my mind. So did Think and grow rich, High Trust selling, Failing forward, The impossible is possible just to mention a few. I started saying my goals aloud every morning. At first it seemed so stupid. But after a while l begun to catch on. Later, l included motivational readings after my quiet time in the morning. I can't tell you how many motivational Ezines l receive daily. After a while l begun noticing that every time l didn't read something motivational in the morning, l would feel like l missed something big. So l  made it a habit. But the habit is not the issue here, it is what reading these motivational materials has done to me. They have changed the way l think. I have become more positive yet realistic. My glass, for the last l don't know how long, has been half full. I wake up in the morning knowing l have the best job as a Public Relations Officer and Fund developer. Do you think l don't have obstacles? You must be kidding. I think the devil waits for you to have high hopes and then begins to challenge the very foundations of the deep seated beliefs you hold. But you know what l believe in? I guess not. So here. I strong believe in a comment shared by John Mason in his book The impossible is possible. He notes that, In times of Adversity, you don't have an obstacle; you have a choice. Is that cool or what?!!!!

My mind, my resolve, and whatever else changes when you decide to look at your glass as half full, is very strong. You can't put me down easily. In fact, the moment l get around negative people l can't stand them. They are like roaches to me. And no l am not calling them roaches, l am saying they irritate me as much as roaches do.  I can't stand them! l don't want them around me!! and l am fine with that. Unless they are willing to tone down or change. Why this attitude? I have realized that is one way the devil puts you down. He uses people who are closest to you to hurt and demean you. I am at a place where l'd rather be in company that is quiet than negative. l'd rather be alone with my books but remain positive.

A gentleman who was going to design my website was so negative when l told him why l needed it. When l got home from the meeting l sent him a text message asking him to provide someone else to do it for me. Why? I thought to myself.. Sweetie you don't have to take this, you are not tied to a chair and you don't even have to be in his negative demeaning presence. And yes, l feel very good that l am turning out this way. I no longer want negative vibe around me. You think l am kidding. You try to get to me in a negative way and you'll know what l am talking about. And yes, l take constructive criticisms very well. But you and l know when someone is simply being malicious. Most people are simply that. Malicious!!!!

I have told God to help always to encourage those around me. When you are with me l want you to feel positive in a realistic way. If l correct you, l want it to be nice and soft that is unless you make me shout. But there's enough negative vibe in the world: why should l add to that? For me, I don't have obstacles l just have choices:-) I live it and believe it because it is real. So it's no wonder that l am writing an inspirational book.

Mental conditional that is positive has helped people make it big time. But the opposite has  caused people of great potential to sink never to be heard again. A question for you -  what glass are you drinking from- the half full one or  half empty one? Because your choice could either make or break you.