Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I am trying to finance an addiction l have. I need you to help me.

The addiction is reading books and business mags. I am actually trying to figure if l am reading or buying books because it gives me a high or its a need. I just have this need for information. I just don't know where it came from.

Flashback kidogo...l used to read 2 or 3 books a day when l was in primary school. The Hardy boys, Nancy Drews, Mills and Boons and zingine nyingi. If l borrowed your new novel and you said no, you needed to guard it with your heart. Otherwise by the time you went home, you would not have it. Plus you would out rightly know l had it. But l had to read it anyways. On top of which, l would surely return it the next day. I didn't know that this habit would get to this.

Sometime back,I read 3 or 4 magazines that mentioned the book Emotional Intelligence. I mean some 2 Harvard Professors had quoted it, plus a Fortune mag l was reading plus some other books l had bought. Shortly, l had to get that book. Do you know, l had to go to three bookshops before l found it. Meanwhile some executive was waiting for me because l was like 15 minutes late. But maaaaaan!! my addiction had to get watered.No l didn't keep the executive in the dark. I called and asked for a few extra minutes.

Now this addiction is going to chaotic places. I get reading bouts once or twice every week. How else can l explain them. Sometimes l just get this urge to know. I get all my latest books and read them - underlining, bouncing the ideas in my head as l analyze them aloud. These reading bouts can go anywhere from 5 to 8 hours in a night. No, no, no l am not reading for exams. I am reading just so that l know.

I get satisfied just having read 3 chapters of a challenging author's book. I get such an adrenaline rush when l buy a book l have been looking forward to read. It doesn't matter how expensive the book is, l will get it and l will seek to understand it. I know this sounds so bad. But this is what my life is.

Okay now, l have to figure how to finance my reading addiction because baby,l ain't getting off this train.



Shaggy said...

How about being the first in the New Year. Feels great and a good luck sign too. Hey great write up and looking forward to such more creative pieces.

Later 4sheezy.

Shaggy said...

Interesting addiction. I wonder what would happen if you tried to engage yourself in a new hobby or pass time, like squash or Tennis or whatever, would you still have the same intensity & desire to read.

I guess, NOT. Well not as much BUT what am driving at is that you can redistribute your time to help chip off the addiction.

Just a thought...

Uaridi said...

BOOKS are one addiction you should never feel guilty of having. I am passionate about books - and reading. I belong to the local library - to save money.


Anonymous said...

Well there are worse addictions.

I love the "books that stretch me" idea. I love it when I want to read, and reread a sentence or paragraph or even whole chapter. And its so exciting when "I get it".

Good luck with taming your addiction. I have one suggestion: find cheaper bookshops or join a book club.