Seems like l have been quiet about our situation in Kenya.No, l have not actually been quiet.I have been blogging for some people. So here l come.
I hate it..yes l HATE it that our politicians make utterances that cause chaos and then sit pretty in their villas with all the luxuries of the world.Yes l hate it that these two men are refusing to budge.When the elephants fight it is the grass that hurts.
Today, l spoke to a friend whose father and brother died.On top of that their Kisumu home and business was looted and burnt. This business was doing well.My goodness if you hear the hate in her voice and the bitterness in her will understand how painful starting again is and this time with no father or brother. I am praying for families like this one.
So yes...l have been quiet but seething.What has come over our Kenyan politicians?
Two men are actually holding the whole 33million of us at ransom.Two men who are putting this whole country to shame.Two men whose words have now caused rifts between communities.Yet two men who if they wanted this to all come to an end would actually say so and the country would move on. Just two men. So l pray for them.Because these two men have caused us as Kenyans, untold pain.Lord have mercy on these two men.

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