Thursday, December 16, 2004


This morning l learnt a critical lesson while walking to work. Oh by the way, l walk because l choose to. I could get into some public transport but seeing that l don't mind losing afew pounds and staying healthy- walking is just an added blessing. Back to today-walking in the morning. Yesterday l saw a guy go past me like a jet. Today he did the same thing. He got me thinking about comfort zones. If you saw what l saw, then you would know that this man was actually like flying. He was just walking and you could see he was putting some serious thought into it. His arms were moving so fast you would think he was in a walkathlon.

Anyways, he got me thinking about some lesson l learnt about comfort zones. These zones are places you have decided are your limits,Reasons you have given for not doing what you know you ought to do. So l applied that thought today while l was walking to work. I pushed my speed up and couldn't believe the pace l was walking at. Its true. When you tell yourself that this is only how far you can go, then that becomes your comfort zone. You limit yourself until you are willing enough to change your mindset and embrace the reality of change.Once you embrace it, uncomfortable though it maybe, you will welcome it. I am seriously learning that it is all about what you tell yourself. I know because l live it. Most people l know read motivational books or articles with suspicion. Its good to view information with some degree of skepticism. But don't let it get into the way of someone helping you with their experience.Talking about your experience.

Now that you are not getting anticipated results in your goals, have you checked out what your weakest link is? No? I thought so.Identifying your weakest link as you try to reach your goals will help you eliminate what causes rise to it. Our weakest links throw us back to our comfort zones.

The other day l was listening to some guy get interviewed on TV about some weak link in his implementation of some idea, that seemed to have slidden into chaos despite a spirited start. As l sat listening l wondered out aloud,"What is my weakest link when it comes to writing my e-products?" And you know being alone in the house honesty seems natural.So l pointed to the telly and said,"Baby you are my weakest link." I like watching news and all that. But l also love comedy and drama seeing that l am an actress and a trained one at that. The telly though, instead of being a good friend, is what hampers me. Or do l allow it to hamper me? I think the latter is correct.

I am now consciously working on that. How? you ask. By watching what l term as crucial to my development.Its working slowly but surely.

At the end of the day when we lie in bed lets find out what our weakest links are. That alone could jump-start our sometimes tired but critical walk to achieving our goals.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Keeping your word takes work which is effort that we don't want to put in sometimes.

I am beginning to realize this in reality. My desk.... you should see it. I have all these projects l am trying to finish before we close the office. So entering some thought into my blog is actually a sacrifice. But l am now living a reality. Dreams will be just that if we don't begin to pay the price of living them out.

Talking about dreams. Our Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai has done all Kenyans proud. Not only us but the whole world and especially the girl child. This dynamic woman has put her money where her mouth is.Literally. She has walked the talk. And now as she sits in the presence of royalty and indeed celebrities and everyone wanting a piece of her, l am reminded of what the queen of talk show Oprah Winfrey once said;

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo,but what you want is someone who will take the  bus when the limo breaks down."

How true.

When you are trying to make a dream translate into reality it is truly trying. Ask me, l know. I am trying to write a paper hoping to get it published in January. The research is not so interesting. The reading and documenting discussions is tough. But that is the price that has to be paid. Honorable Wangari paid a higher one to get to where she is at now. It would be purdent to remember the old saying, No pain, No gain every time we want to get the best yet with short cuts. I am remembering that every moment l live on.

Thursday, December 09, 2004


 "If you keep THINKING what you are thinking, you will keep DOING what you are doing, and you will keep GETTING what you are getting.

That brilliant statement was made by Dr Robert Antony.This morning it makes alot of sense to me. Its like that statement in the Bible that says, 'Do not worry about tomorrow.' Of course these statements are different. The correlation though comes in when it comes to action. If you keep worrying about how bad things have become in your life you will keep getting chaotic results. So why walk a path of worry while you can throw your cares to God as you do your part in this life?

I am going through a rough patch. Yep. Financially that is. Some friends of mine owe me some green.Promised to pay up but they haven't.I relied on their word which l now realize was as good as a dead door nail.

As l was thinking about it this morning, l began to wonder,"Do some people's weaknesses mirror who l sometimes am?" I think they do. Sometimes people do the craziest things that land them into unbelievable trouble. We look at them and shake our heads in disapproval. Yet most of us go out and find ourselves in that same situation. Only this time, we don't remember that we were there. I have began to show more patience than l did a few days ago. Why? I am in touch with what God is doing in my life. I also like to think that l am in touch with myself. I like it that way because nothing catches me off guard especially my response to situations. It also helps me build my character. If you attempt it, You will begin to realize that you are not Miss or Mr Perfect anymore.

In making your dreams a reality in your life l have learned that this is a very critical lesson. You watch some people fail and fail again as they try to reach their goals. You hear yourself tell your friends or whoever it is that, 'if only they did this they could get out of what it is that seems so difficult.' Yet you don't see the four fingers pointing at you wondering why you haven't been out trying to make something of yourself.

What about when you get impatient with someone who seems to be lazy and complains about everything? Been there so l know. Is this person mirroring you as they talk about their dreams and do nothing about them? Or do they mirror you when they make wrong choices and wonder why everything that seems to be bad is happening to them?

I really appreciate a quote an editor friend sent me that Teddy Roosevelt made about critics. It would help to remember it every time you want to criticize. I know it has helped me.

 It is not the critic who counts: not he man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; But does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotion; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Please note the if. If simply means it could happen or not. This statement embodies success not failure. Chances are success will be what will be experienced.

Go ahead. Think outside the box!!!

I am trying to create a discipline where l blog daily. This alone requires effort and commitment. But isn't that what our lives ought to be about especially if we are trying to achieve our goals? That's just a teaser.

Anyways, yesterday was another day when l learned something. If not learning, l needed to recall something l had read.

I am a person who likes to try things out. Positive things. Sometimes when l do and people around me make what you call 'uncalled for comments' it cuts right through me. And trust me, l like to be agreeable with everyone. Okay, is this the part l say l am learning that it ain't possible to be agreeable with all? I thought so. Yesterday l just learned it on a higher grade. I needed to graduate:-) And l did.

The lesson dawned on me as l was being told of someone's catty comment and action of trying to change what they thought l had done wrong. I wanted to go defend why l had done what l had done. Plus why l thought it was right. But as l walked away vowing to approach the person, it dawned me. I keep saying dawn l guess it really did open my eyes to a new light.

Lesson: I don't have to defend myself every time l do something outside the box and somebody doesn't like it. Some people will just never get it. And its meant to be just like that. Ce la vie!!! Even if you do something that is highly positive, they will always see the negative. They will always seek to drag you down.

But, l have many a times abandoned my dreams at the altar of negative thinking because l took a portion of that thinking from someone who really has hell for a life.In the moment l did that,  l always abandoned what kept me going - my passion.

Yesterday, l decided l was not here to please anyone. I will think outside the box. And if you don't like it, well my condolences. But this is not to say l won't reason with you because sometimes someone will see the pit before l do. Just between me and you, rarely is there a pit. It usually is someone trying to pull you down.

So go out  - think out of the box, and let they that shiver in their boots for fear of trying new things enjoy the view:-)

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

crawling towards my goals!!!!

Yesterday was an interesting yet a revealing day.

I was in a meeting and l shared with some friends how i have learnt doing what you have passion for is the most important thing on this planet. Okay l know l have preached this over and over. But their face expressions as l told them that l no longer do anything that is not alligned to my vision and goals was sufficient to tell me that this was being digested for the first time.

I don't what shocked me more, that they were shocked at my statement or that this road of goal setting,focus and determination had not dawned on them.

Anyways, the long and short of it is a belief l hold dear. You see, we only have one shot at this life. Yesterday is gone. That day will never be grabbed back from where it is. It's in history as we speak. I have told myself that l will not live in people's dreams unless they are helping me get ahead in my life.

True, if l have ideas on helping you make your dream happen l will share them with you. But don't expect me to be there just helping you get ahead and not moving ahead with my dream and making it happen. Isn't it ironical that half of us are doing stuff we don't like. That half or even more of us, wake up with morning blues.

Believe me when you hear someone say do what you have passion for...just do it, don't argue. Why? When you do what you have passion for you will take it to another level every time there is a choice that you have to make that seems challenging.

At the end of my days, l want to be remembered as someone who helped humanity as she went after her goals. My dreams are very community minded. So trust me, at the end of the day everyone wins. But l am not wasting my time living in other people's world. I am living in my dream. No matter how small the baby steps. l will get there.

Stuck in a rut expecting different results?!!!!

The whole weekend l have been thinking about something l read the other day from Josh Hind’s motivational newsletter that l receive daily.
It was about how we do things same as always yet expect different results. That statement never left me. Coming to work today l was still thinking about it. How many times have l expected different results while doing same old stuff? And l am guessing l am not alone. When l look around me,l see this statement personified. Same actions expecting different results. How naïve we think, yet if we looked closely at our lives it seems that’s what’s happening.

I’ll tell you of something. I moved house the other day. And for a long time l wanted a place where l could go for jogging and cut on some fat l had manufactured.

Oh please it needs some processing. As soon as l moved there it took me a week to figure my schedule. Now l jog five times a week. I jog two days in a row then rest, then two days in a row then rest for a day. I like my body recuperating from the punishing stretches that l cover because it seems l increase them every time my body can take it. Anyways that is not what is important. The other day l was thinking supposing l didn’t take this step and move out to a safer area that has helped me do what l love. I would still be thinking of ways to lose this weight with no change in lifestyle. Of course l would have gone to the gym. I was actually going for aerobics that were very good.

But you see the catch is l wanted something that isn’t dictated by time. Most of the time l work late and more often than not l have classes. So with some encouragement in my life from my friends l took the step of moving house. You should know this took all the effort because l had lived in the area for the last three and a half years.

Anyways, today think about it. Are you hoping for something different yet doing the same things over and over again? I read a quote yesterday that made my day If you keep thinking the way you think, you will keep doing what you do and keep getting the results you get. How about that for a starter/

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Just think of Kyle

A great person who gives determination, perseverance and focus a new meaning.

This morning at 5:22am to 6am, l was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed is an understatement considering l am still crying and its like 7:15am. I am at work typing away.

Kyle Maynard is what overwhelmed me.

Kyle is a congenital amputee. But that is not what is important. What is remarkable is that Kyle can do everything. Kyle is a wrestler, a model and motivational speaker. The guy is either 18 or 19 years of age. The greatest additional is that Kyle didn't grow up in an exceptionally rich home. He was like any other kid in a normal family. But this family had a great and still has a great attitude.

As Larry King was interviewing him l couldn't help but cry. Look at this guy who can do more than most of us and yet he has not legs or hands...l kept muttering to myself. I thought of all the things l have said l cannot do. Things l have told myself are too hard to do. How could l have an excuse? How can l look myself in the mirror and limit that person l see? If you haven't seen Kyle Maynard's interview on CNN please request for it. If you want a reason never to  give up, just watch Kyle.

It's one thing to hear good stories that cause us to go ahead and live out our dreams. But l promise you that it is entirely another thing to see someone push themselves to achieve beyond human imagination. I don't even know why they haven't done a movie on him.

I learnt alot this morning about making it no matter what life throws at you. I learnt that God has made us stronger than we care to know. But one thing that the parents of Kyle said will stick with me for long. You know, Kyle used to be fed when he was growing up. Sometimes he used to fall on the stairs and of course someone would have to pick him up.  But one day his parents realized we will not always be around him to help him. So they begun to allow him to figure out how to pick up or feed himself. And he did. Now a statement they made was this is kinda paraphrased, "We knew he had to learn to do things for himself because the world was not going to tailor things for him." Simply said he had to learn to make the best of what he had because no one was going to stop and make room for him.

Today l wished l could take that program and take it to all the schools of the physically challenged in Kenya and to all who say they cannot make it.

I made a promise to myself this morning as l watched Larry interview Kyle...

I am just overwhelmed. If you watch Kyle you will get up and do everything that is humanly possible to accomplish your goals. And for real, you will make it. Just think of Kyle

Monday, November 29, 2004


I haven't blogged for quite a number of days. I have been meaning to though. But it didn't happen. As it is, l am tempted to give an excuse. I don't know what it will be but l won't recall it either. I was in a meeting today where l didn't give an excuse for not doing something. Instead l apologised and promised to do it ASAP of course with a timeline. Why am l choosing this path of no excuse? Because it is easier for me to think of an excuse to fail rather than succeed. Its not me alone.

Most of us never think of it that way. But truth be told, that is exactly what it is. I am learning that successful people have fewer excuses than those we look at and wonder what wrong turning they took.

l am also learning that for my very ambitious goals, l need to set an ambitious yet practical lifestyle. A lifestyle that is not dogged by excuses. I am learning that we all
have 24 hours 365days in a year yet some people will accomplish more than others. Why? I have looked at some of my mentors. They dish out very few excuses.

Half of what they want is done. They are focussed and don't walk the path of excuses. I have learnt that the best gift that you can give yourself is to do what you say you will do despite or inspite of.

This is the number one lesson l am learning this month of November. A lesson that is helping me stay on course considering my goals. Maybe l have talked about it before but it won't hurt if l say it again. I have a standing admission from a UK campus to do a Radio Journalism Masters. I haven't attended it yet because for the last 3 and a half years l have been looking for scholarships. Yes three long years. But now l have a strategy. Another lesson for the Month of November.

I am learning that what Dr John Maxwell says in his book Failing Forward is absolutely true. We have been told several times that if you try something and it fails keep trying until you get through. NO!!! Dr Maxwell says. If something fails, stop and evaluate. See where you made the mistake and strategize afresh and then try.

I am taking that advice very seriously because this is no joke. I want to be in class in Sep 2005.

So, if l have failed before what makes me think that l can in deed make it this time round? Different strategy, my friend. Different strategy. As we speak l am working on my first of my many to come academic papers which l am hoping to get published in South Africa or London. In the middle of all that l am still working on my motivational book which will be on my upcoming website. Oh this is better than anything l know. It is an exciting life l have. Why? Because even though l don't have all the money in the world to help me meet my goals as fast as l can, l believe that l will get there slowly but surely. Can you beat that? What? you ask.

Persistence and trust in God? I love life

de ja vu

Last week, l experienced some de ja vu. I like the way that word just bounces in my mouth.

Anyways. De ja vu, l said. In Kenya, like in many developing countries, there are many tv and radio stations sprouting left right centre. That is
especially if you find yourselves in an environment where the media is encouraged to be. One of these tv stations is the oldest and with the
highest professional standards l know of. Yet with a new lot of reporters that has not been displayed. They have been too many grammatical
mistakes. Added to that is the fact that some of their reporters leave you hanging every time they do a story. I remember talking to their news
editor who defended the news reporter. I respected her for that. But this incident led me to wonder, " Why was l being so harsh with a young
reporter for trying to be like the veterans?" Two reasons. 1) Expected standards had been shot down. 2) Maybe she was displaying a situation l
had been before.

I have found out that mostly it is the later that is the issue. When l started what l am currently doing, l didn't have the papers nor the experience.
I am curious by nature. So l kept trying out things and getting messed up. Yet my supervisors were all kind enough to just allow me to be. They
knew that at some point l would require all the patience in the world to get to where l am supposed to be. This is not to say that they have
stopped. In fact, l always know that l have room to grow. Why then am l not offering the same to someone who badly needs it? Pride. That
realization humbled me. How many times have we criticized people as they tried to get ahead in their lives only to serve as discouragement? For
the longest time, l have prayed to God to help me not to be a discouragement to anyone trying to make it in this world. For all l know, l could be
telling the next president that he cannot be. And who am l to do that?

I guess each of us needs some encouragement at some point. I am also learning that from my mentors and especially the one helping me with
my papers. She is so patient. She knows that l haven't done any paper till now. Yet she cheers me on. This is a graduate from Rhodes for crying
out loud. That to me is encouraging. So l will seek to understand first before l am understood

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Thank you very much!! but l'll stay my course!!!

Its funny isn't it...that you can be busy following your life's charted course only to meet someone who says something that begins to cast doubt within you. You begin to wonder if at all you are on the right path or headed towards your God given destiny.

Lately l have become pretty confident about where it is l am headed for and what it is l want out of this life. But last Saturday as l was talking with a friend she was sounding more sure of where she was going than l was.I sat there listening to her  and wondering why  l was doing what l was doing. Please note l know what it is l want. That, l am not kidding about. So here she was talking about Public Relations and the direction she thought best to approach her future in order to get successful. Of course, school featured highly. Currently, she is studying PR in one of our local universities. So believe me, when she said that she knew the direction she was choosing was right, l nodded with no hesitation. After we had some dinner she had prepared l went home. The conversation that we had had begun to ring in my head. And for sometime, l didn't know why l was feeling like someone had sucked the life out of me. That was Saturday. Come Sunday. Later in the morning as l was preparing a concept note for a donor, l begun to realize why l loved what l do. I also begun to see why it is l have decided that this is the best path to take.Then something dawned on me like the way you feel when you take a shower after  a jog. Yeah right!!! It was beautiful. I thought to myself, "Baby girl, let them chart their course. I am doing fine where l am at." And with that l closed a chapter that could otherwise have turned nasty.

So what was this revealing truth that felt so refreshing? Very simple, l thought to myself.But you see its true. Its true that many times we come across people who will make us doubt if we are on the right track. They will make our dreams seem smaller than normal. They will make us wish we hadn't shared them in the first place. Simply put, you will be tempted to run their course and not yours. How many times have you been tempted to do that? And how many times have you actually run their courses? Right now if you check your life, are you doing what you are supposed to be doing with your life or are you living the life others have proposed to be fine yet makes you miserable? I have gotten to a place in my life where l no longer want to run someone else's course. I want to run the course God wants me to. I want to live my dream even if l am crawling to get to where it is l hope to get to.

You know, l have a standing admission to a University in the UK and for the last three years l keep looking for scholarships. This year and next l have told myself will be when l will summon all my energies to get to school. They say scholarships are easy to get for masters and easier for women ...l wish they could prove that:-) But l have told myself l will not bow down. That Saturday as l told my friend about my Masters plans and the way l want to launch a serious go at making it to class come Sep 2005 God willing, l could see she was not interested. I seemed to have hit a mine. This actually dawned on me later. And you know l sat down and had my little chit chat that l usually have when things don't go as planned. I decided someone somewhere will fund my schooling. I don't know who but God will open a door.

I keep doing fundraising for the office, so this will also be a Project. I believe l am good product that can run its course benefiting other human beings. So l have decided l will not run anyone's course. Yes l am doing PR; Yes l am doing Fundraising. But you know, l love fundraising more. Yes its a part of PR. I know that. In the office, trust me, l do more of Fundraising than PR. I have told myself l love fundraising because of what it enables people to do. I am so glad when l fund raise and watch things happen because of the availability of funds and the will that others have to make other people's lives better. So my dear l will run my course whether you support it or not.

Five years from now l want to be the one standing on the other end thanking God l took the risk and ran my course. Because then, the benefits of doing so will truly show as fruits of my life. Run your course no matter what happens.The joy of it is, to be able to see how far you made it even with all the negative choruses and disapproving looks. Run your course, not anyone else's. I am running mine.

Friday, November 05, 2004

What's all this timidity about?!!!!

I don't know if l am angry at people because of their thought processes or just plain angry at the educational system. Yesterday and indeed lately, l have been talking to friends about jobs. My latest discussion was with a friend of mine who l consider learned. She has good papers that would get her a good PR job. Right now though she is adding an undergraduate degree to her qualifications. I like it that she is very focussed about school. Now am helping her get another job because she has learned that she cannot pay her school fees with her current salary.

The conversation went like one of my mini motivational speeches. She calls and tells me to Get her a job. I tell her,"You know l think l will become a job bureau because l have all these jobs either forwarded or offered to me that l do not want." Then l tell her of some jobs that l have in  some of the lists and she says,"you know you have to have papers to get there." Okay FULL STOP!!! This is where l agree but mostly disagree with a large number of people.

You know its good to have great papers. But what do these papers do for you if you don't have daring courage to walk in to an office and say that you can do this or that job? The Kenyan economy, and indeed most in third world countries,do not allow for one to be timid.

Timidity just gets in the way of great opportunities. I watch my friends who have papers from here to the heavens yet they cow back when they think they have to go out and fight it out. Its abit discouraging when you think about it. So question for you:why do you have the papers if you can't go out and grab whatever it is you think your papers can help you get? What is this timidity all about?

Talking to a another friend of mine the other day was actually an eye opener on this very issue.He is a college lecturer, plus he has all these neat qualifications.The scenario:I float an idea about him doing some project with some organization. He then turns to me and says why don't you introduce me? I am thinking, Hey!! this director will not eat you up just tell him what it is you want and you will get what you want. I was amazed.Here was a guy l thought and still think as one of the most brilliant human beings l have ever met. Yet, just breaking through this timid wall is so difficult. My wonder has been Why the fear? Why the timidity?  What is this monster that seems to eat at us?

These papers sometimes give us a sense of false security. One thinks because they have papers that the world will smile and indeed think you deserve a job. You seriously have something else coming. A comment l read and l paraphrase...don't think that because you are a vegetarian and that you don't eat meat, that the lion will have mercy on you when he comes hunting. If you want to see where this quote works well come to Kenya. Its the best to be on earth but it also has its problem. Doesn't every where else?!!!!!

But at the end of the day, l hope we (as third world inhabitants) can all learn how to be strong enough to face challenges, outgoing enough to meet up with anyone on this planet and sell an idea to them. Ask God for the courage to do these things. A friend of mine once gave me advice when l was in a state of fear of meeting an influential director. He said,"Hey just go in and ask. The worst thing that he can do is say NO." And that is what l will tell you today. All they can say is NO. So just ask and commit the rest to God.Remember this quote from John Mason's book The Impossible is Possible.....In times of adversity, you have don't have an obstacle; you have a choice.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Telling it like it is.

Painfully, l am beginning to realize that the people who preach about accomplishing or achieving your dreams forget to tell us how tough it will be getting there. It is work and work that seems never to end. You wake up in the morning and all you want to do is sit and not think how much you have to do. It is chaotic; and perspiration, it seems is at its highest. Dreams are cozy only on two ends: when you first conceive them and when you are living them. But there is no telling what is in between. It is a long haul filled with sweat and blood, and marred by dust. The period that is not talked about is the one that is the doing part. I believe you know that. Have you noticed how most successful people just tell you how they got to where they are and conveniently skip the doing part? Either it is brushed aside or is lightly mentioned. I have been thinking... why donÂ’t they tell the whole lot of us the part that is challenging and tough? The part where you will wake up in the morning in a bad mood and a spirit of not wanting to work today? Been thinking about it for sometime now and l guess l have a reply to my bothering question.

You know, if anyone insisted on how hard something would be, you wouldn’t take that direction. Now would you? I know Most of us wouldn’t,me included. The reality of living your dream is that work is going to be the 99% of it.The dreaming only 1%. Of course, you will pray and have faith. Thank you very much. I agree. But the word work is mentioned in the Bible 564 times. It tells you how important this activity is. I am beginning to learn that, to get to where you want, you have to be willing to get your hands dirty and your body sweating. Nothing will come knocking at your door saying, “Hey l thought you needed to have a An S-Class Mercedes or l thought you should have the big house.”

Yet, most of the time we keep hearing you can make it without the work part of it emphasized. ThereÂ’s an affiliate program manager l like. She says, you know you can make it like me, but you will have to get down to working. The program, she says, works perfectly after you have done your setting-up homework. But before then, you would have to work seriously on the stuff that will help your site work. Work, my friend, is your friend. If we donÂ’t make work our ally, then getting to where you want will be all in your Medulla oblangata.

l am now developing a new way to ease my shock of having to get to my dreams. Every time anyone l deem successful encourages me to reach for my goals because l will make it, l turn around and ask them to tell me of the work. Yes, l want to hear about the long working nights, the erratic eating patterns and the nightmares of imagining their dreams not getting accomplished. This, l have found, keeps me sane and humble. It also helps me respect those that have accomplished so much and are revered by mortals like me.

I like a sentence that John Mason starts with in one of his chapters in his book, The impossible is possible. He says, “You can’t fulfill your destiny on a takes work.” How about that for a thought.

Telling it like it is.

Painfully, l am beginning to realize that the people who preach about accomplishing or achieving your dreams forget to tell us how tough it will be getting there. It is work and work that seems never to end. You wake up in the morning and all you want to do is sit and not think how much you have to do. It is chaotic; and perspiration, it seems is at its highest. Dreams are cozy only on two ends: when you first conceive them and when you are living them. But there is no telling what is in between that. It is a long haul filled with sweat and blood and marred by dust. The period that is not talked about is the one that is the doing part. I believe you know that. Have you noticed how most successful people just tell you how they got to where they are and conveniently they skip the doing part? Either it is brushed aside or is lightly mentioned. I have been thinking why don't they tell the whole lot of us that it is challenging and tough? That you will wake up in the morning in a bad mood and a spirit of not wanting to work today? Been thinking about it for sometime now and l guess l have a reply to my bothering question.

You know, if anyone insisted on how hard something would be you wouldn't take that direction. Now would you? I know Most of us wouldn't me included. The reality of living your dream is that work is going to be the 99% of it. Of course, you will pray and have faith. Thank you very much. I agree. But the word work is mentioned in the Bible 564 times. It tells you how important this activity is. I am beginning to learn to get to where you want, you have to be willing to get your hands dirty and your body sweating. Nothing will come knocking at your door saying, "Hey l thought you needed to have a An S-Class Mercedes or l thought you should have the big house."

Yet most of the time we keep hearing you can make it without the work part of it. There's an affiliate program manager l like. She says, you know you can make it like me, but you will have to get down to working. The program she says works perfectly after you have done your setting up homework. But before then you would have to work seriously on the stuff that will help your site work. Work, my friend, is your friend. If we don't make work our ally then getting to where you want will be all in your Medulla oblangata. So, l am developing a new way to ease my shock of having to get to my dreams. Every time anyone l deem successful encourages me to reach to my goals because l will make it, l turn around and ask them to tell me of the work. Ye, the long working nights, the erratic eating patterns and the nightmares of imagining their dreams not getting accomplished. This l have found keeps me sane and humble. It also helps me respect those that have accomplished so much and are revered by mortals like me.

I like a sentence that John Mason starts with in one of his chapters in his book, The impossible is possible. He says, "You can't fulfill your destiny on a takes work." How about that for a thought.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

This could break or make you!! Your CHOICE.

Mental Conditioning:
that is what l am talking about.
Last night l could not sleep just thinking about this issue. It has been on my  mind. For a very long time l didn't understand the motivational stuff. I thought it was just a big way to make money and that enough human beings had already made and were making money from this subject. One topic which l thought used to give people false hope. That is until l went through hell and high waters and then the story of my life changed. I started to read motivational books. I bought each one of them that l knew the authors. I researched about the authors on the net while l tried to find others that l didn't know. Boy hasn't my world changed.

Flashback: A few years ago l received a motivational book by Lewis Timberlake- Born to Win. I got the book because l was the best actress in Nairobi during a Christian drama festival. Up till then, l was a negative human being. I thought life was just one rat race of negatives and no one should try telling me otherwise. Coming from a single parent family that had been ravaged by lack, is one major reason that compounded the negativity. So here was a book that was shinning light on people who had come from worse circumstances and still made it big time. I mean big time. Talk of Wilma Rudolf and a host of others that now escape my mind. This for me was eye opening.

Fast Forward: The stories and admonition that Lewis Timberlake had shared from his book seemed forgotten. This was until l went through real hell and l came back scattering, hurriedly looking for something to clutch, to avoid drowning in a sea of  self pity. So l started to read. I read the One minute Millionaire and it blew my mind. So did Think and grow rich, High Trust selling, Failing forward, The impossible is possible just to mention a few. I started saying my goals aloud every morning. At first it seemed so stupid. But after a while l begun to catch on. Later, l included motivational readings after my quiet time in the morning. I can't tell you how many motivational Ezines l receive daily. After a while l begun noticing that every time l didn't read something motivational in the morning, l would feel like l missed something big. So l  made it a habit. But the habit is not the issue here, it is what reading these motivational materials has done to me. They have changed the way l think. I have become more positive yet realistic. My glass, for the last l don't know how long, has been half full. I wake up in the morning knowing l have the best job as a Public Relations Officer and Fund developer. Do you think l don't have obstacles? You must be kidding. I think the devil waits for you to have high hopes and then begins to challenge the very foundations of the deep seated beliefs you hold. But you know what l believe in? I guess not. So here. I strong believe in a comment shared by John Mason in his book The impossible is possible. He notes that, In times of Adversity, you don't have an obstacle; you have a choice. Is that cool or what?!!!!

My mind, my resolve, and whatever else changes when you decide to look at your glass as half full, is very strong. You can't put me down easily. In fact, the moment l get around negative people l can't stand them. They are like roaches to me. And no l am not calling them roaches, l am saying they irritate me as much as roaches do.  I can't stand them! l don't want them around me!! and l am fine with that. Unless they are willing to tone down or change. Why this attitude? I have realized that is one way the devil puts you down. He uses people who are closest to you to hurt and demean you. I am at a place where l'd rather be in company that is quiet than negative. l'd rather be alone with my books but remain positive.

A gentleman who was going to design my website was so negative when l told him why l needed it. When l got home from the meeting l sent him a text message asking him to provide someone else to do it for me. Why? I thought to myself.. Sweetie you don't have to take this, you are not tied to a chair and you don't even have to be in his negative demeaning presence. And yes, l feel very good that l am turning out this way. I no longer want negative vibe around me. You think l am kidding. You try to get to me in a negative way and you'll know what l am talking about. And yes, l take constructive criticisms very well. But you and l know when someone is simply being malicious. Most people are simply that. Malicious!!!!

I have told God to help always to encourage those around me. When you are with me l want you to feel positive in a realistic way. If l correct you, l want it to be nice and soft that is unless you make me shout. But there's enough negative vibe in the world: why should l add to that? For me, I don't have obstacles l just have choices:-) I live it and believe it because it is real. So it's no wonder that l am writing an inspirational book.

Mental conditional that is positive has helped people make it big time. But the opposite has  caused people of great potential to sink never to be heard again. A question for you -  what glass are you drinking from- the half full one or  half empty one? Because your choice could either make or break you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I am learning...

I am learning that perseverance pays. Oh dah!!! I know. It seems obvious but l am beginning to learn that most of us do what my favorite author Dr John Maxwell says.. we overestimate yesterday and underestimate today. Today. This is your present. The time when you are meant to be working on your dreams allowing them to be a reality tomorrow. Oh l am learning!!! Of course if you live by working on your goals daily, this will not come as news. Most of us live in the future. Yet God has only granted us today. We look at tomorrow and say, "If l or when l …" Placing yourself in the future sometimes can be good and bad. Good because it makes you work harder and mostly stay positive. Bad because you underestimate today at the risk of losing tomorrow. I am learning.

They say l am ambitious. I hear. I can't tell coz its them who can see it. But for me the challenge has been to retain my dreams in an achievable form. I guess my ambition stems from the encouragement l get from reading books like Failing forward by Dr John Maxwell, Lewis Timberlake's book Born to Win, Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow rich among others. When l read how others have accomplished and how they have overcome their pains to just get to where they want to be, l get charged up. Sometimes getting too charged up can cause you to live in the tomorrow. That tomorrow looks better than today. But what is important to know is that you can work today to make a better tomorrow. Today is what God has given us to make a better tomorrow. I know because everyday l realize that today l am a result of yesterday's choices. Yesterday l called it today. Today l called it tomorrow. How then can you fail to work on your dreams today while your tomorrow will be today? I am learning that although my tomorrow may be far away the seeds of making it better are meant to be planted today. As l stand at the threshold of a new beginning, yesterday's seeds will tell me if l was keen enough. Being very keen means that perseverance was part of the game. Why? The realities might be chocking the seeds up that dawn with age. The seeds here being the works that follow dreams. It's tough to dream as reality stares at you.
I am learning perseverance is not an option if l am to get to where l want in this life

Friday, October 22, 2004

A stinking wound whose pus dries not!!!

Today, l have blogged twice. That shows you what happens when you come across something that you have wanted for a long time. Of late l have gotten to a place where l want to be heard for what l am saying. I want to be able to speak and not be silenced. I believe in being positive in this little life of mine. So for a long time l have been getting contracts to write. But you see, l am not writing what l want. The other day it dawned on me that a lot of times things don't work out in our lives because we are actually in the wrong places doing what our strengths do not allow. As a result we get to our dreams very slowly...turtle pace. I have therefore decided to rock this little boat of mine called life and see what happens. My joy is inspiring others to achieve. That's why l guess when l hear someone put another down .. l go back not only to my Bible but also to what Teddy Roosevelt said once..It is not the critic who counts....the credit belongs to the man in the arena. It is a long quote but one that you would do well to read and memorize it.
The reason l choose daily to be upbeat and positive is there is too much negativity around us like l said earlier. I live in Africa. If you want to live in a place where negativity could have great grand sons, you are welcome here. But surprise surprise(l know it's not) Africa is not the only place l see and feel negativity. Oh brother!! you only need to watch the Oprah Show for you to know she is working hard to help people remain positive. Other parts of the world are not excempt. It is like a disease that refuses to get treated. A wound that stinks from it's continous spill of pus. Disgusted?!!! Yep that's what l want you to be the next time you think of discouraging someone out of their dreams. Everyday l pray dear God help me not to discourage anyone around me even if l will be trying to put some sense into them. Been there so l know how it feels.
Anyways, back to what l was saying. Finally, l get to say what l really want and that is inspiring people all around me. Baby, am l having a ball or what!!!And it's only the Genesis of a great journey. How about that for a day. Tonight, l will sleep beautifully knowing in small ways God answers prayers. And honey, why shouldn't l be glad?

Oh if they could see me now!!!

It is a tough world we live in. It is also a negative world we live in. That is why l have decided that l don't need anyone around me who is negative. What with the negativity on this planet why add a dose of optional negativity that l could do without? Tell you what, l know l don't live in a lily filled world where everyone is upbeat and says hello, thank you, excuse me and please in that order. But so what? Lets just say l am tired of being around negative people. Most of us are sick to the bone because of our negativity. A little positive and a few pleasant thoughts will help keep the doctor away. Okay am done hollaring